Posts from 2011 (Page 3)

Posts from 2011 (Page 3)

Changes to First Wednesday Service

TIME CHANGE:  The service will now be from 7-8pm. This week is our First Wednesday Service and we are trying something new.  We have three separate areas that we would like to focus on four times a year, with each focus alternating on the First Wednesday of each month.  Our first month will be focused on leadership and discipleship (this Wednesday – October); our…

Our Youth Need Your Help!

The youth are collecting new or gently used Bibles  to hand out to the community.  They mostly need Spanish Bibles which cost about $3 each.  If you would like to sponsor a Bible, please talk to Sam Hix or Melody Mallinson.  The youth will also be collecting canned goods so that they can help meet the physical as well as spiritual needs of people in our community.  A box…

Walk to Bethlehem begins this Sunday!

Join others in our community as we walk the 6500 miles from Galax, VA to Bethlehem, the birthplace of our Savior!  Our hopes are to arrive in Bethlehem the week of Christmas.  We will have twelve “stops” along our journey.  We will learn about other countries and their culture, their foods, and their ideas about health and wellness.  Each week we will be in a…

Youth Explosion/Coffey Anderson Concert

Cornerstone will be teaming up with First Baptist Church and Lean on Me Ministries for a Youth Explosion event!  Youth Explosion is a joint effort of many churches to bring teens together for fellowship, spreading the gospel and Christian support. Youth Explosion will be September 25th — that’s a Sunday night from 4-6:30pm.  There will be games and food for…

No First Wednesday Service this Week

We wanted to make sure that everyone knows that we are not having our First Wednesday service this month. Our elders have been discussing making some changes to the format of our meeting, and we wanted to make sure we have everything in place for next month, so we decided to cancel this Wednesday’s service. We’re excited about the changes, and you will hear…

CPR Class Date Set

Larissa Baker, our Faith Coordinator Nurse, will be conducting a CPR class on Friday, September 23, from 5-9pm at the church.   Space is limited to 16 people.  There are 12 spaces filled already!  If you would like to participate, please contact Larissa ASAP at 233-7330.  You can also sign up on the sheet at the resource table if there are spaces still available.  Cost is…

Our Community Room Project

A few weeks ago, Mike shared about our plans for updating our new space downstairs. Our plan is to turn this into a community room, a room that can be used throughout the week for classes, for youth meetings on Sunday nights, for offices, and for LifeGroups. Here are some of the things we need to finish this space: stackable seating for youth and lifegroups that c…

Soccer Shoes can make a difference!

Here’s a great opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children and adults in Guatemala. Jeff & Alice Mountcasel from Cornerstone are going on a mission trip to Guatemala in January and they are collecting soccer shoes to take with them. They are mailing some in September and will take the rest with them when they go on the trip. If you have new or used…

Baptism and Potluck

Join us next Sunday for a baptism and potluck at Camp Dickenson!  The baptism will begin at 4pm and the potluck will follow.  The pool will also be open from 5-8pm.  We’re asking every family to bring two dishes (main, side, or dessert.)  Cornerstone will provide the drinks, ice and paper products.  We’ll be meeting at the pool pavilion (right next to the pool) so you can…

Coat Drive

We are having a coat drive at Cornerstone!  Through the month of September we are collecting laundered and gently used coats for all ages!  Please bring any coats to church that you would like to donate and drop them off at the resource table.  You can bring them by during the week and drop them off in a box located at the downstairs door if no one is at the church.  On…