News (Page 46)

News (Page 46)

Cornerstone – Soup Kitchen

This Thursday, August 28th, is Cornerstone’s Soup kitchen night. The menu is baked spaghetti, salad, bread and dessert. We need many pans of baked spaghetti, as Becky says this is one of their busiest nights. We expect to feed 130-150 people! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Contact Tori Lindberg at 233-6369 if you can help or for more details. Please note…

School Supplies for Galax

We delivered some school supplies to Grayson County schools but would like to deliver some to Galax City. Please bring donated school supplies to church no later than this Sunday!

Camp Healing Hearts

Twin County Hospice of Twin County Regional Healthcare (TCRH) will host their annual Camp Healing Hearts which offers support to area children and adolescents that have experienced the death of a loved one. Camp Healing Hearts will be held at Camp Dickenson in Fries on Saturday, August 23, from 12 – 8pm. If you are interested in attending Camp Healing Hearts, making…

We Are Collecting School Supplies

We are now collecting school supplies for the upcoming school year. We are accepting all types of school supplies including headphones. Please bring all supplies to the church by Sunday, August 10th, as we will be taking these to the schools before the fall semester starts for the teachers to distribute to students in need.

Cornerstone Worship Night

Join us this Friday evening for worship as we record a live worship CD with the Cornerstone Praise Team. We’ll begin at 7pm. Bring a dessert and join us for coffee before and after. Childcare for ages birth thru fifth grade will be available.

Baptism/Picnic This Sunday

This Sunday, August 3rd, we will be having our (fourth annual) baptism/potluck picnic at Camp Dickenson! In previous years, we have had about 180 people attend each year and have baptized close to 30 people in the New River! This is a great time of fun and fellowship and a great opportunity to encourage those who are being baptized. It’s also a great way to meet people…

We’re Collecting School Supplies

We are now collecting school supplies for the upcoming school year. We are accepting all types of school supplies including headphones. We will be taking these supplies to the schools before the fall semester starts for the teachers to distribute to students in need. All school supplies need to be at the church by August 10th.

Clothing Closet to be Opened

The clothing closet will be open on August 16th from 9am-1pm to the community for anyone needing clothes for the upcoming school year.  All clothing is free.  Please help us spread the word.  The clothing closet is located downstairs at Cornerstone Church.