The Tabernacle

The Tabernacle

In the Old Testament, we read that after God delivered the Israelites from bondage, he instructed Moses to build a place for him to dwell as they traveled through the wilderness. Called The Tabernacle, this “portable temple” contained several functional yet holy pieces of “furniture” made and placed from a pattern God showed to Moses on top of the holy mountain.  Later, in New Testament writings, we learn from Jesus and the disciples that those pieces of furniture actually hold important, eternal significance.

Join us as we take a quick walk across thousands of years of confusion and frustration, only to find out where God resides today – it’s so much closer than you think!

Sermon Notes

Furnishing God’s “House”

  • Exodus 25:8-9 NIV

Your Prayers Do Reach Heaven

  • Psalm 141:2
  • Revelation 5:8 ESV

The Kingdom of God is at Hand

  • Colossians 1:12-14 NIV

A New Kingdom With A New Tabernacle

  • Luke 17:20-22 NIV