First Wednesday – Growing Faith in Your Family

First Wednesday – Growing Faith in Your Family

Our April First Wednesday service will focus on our families. How can we help each other and help our children to grow in their faith. Our children can grow up smart, athletic, popular and polite but lack a vibrant relationship with Christ. The few hours they spend in church each week can be helpful, but it cannot nurture a faith in our kids that will withstand the trials that are on the horizon. Church alone cannot teach them, we must start at home. But many parents feel ill equipped to develop the faith of their children.
During our First Wednesday service, we will explore biblical and tangible ways that parents—couples, single parents, blended families and grandparents—can build a legacy of faith for their children. We will share resources and ideas to help you start family devotions and family teaching times to help grow faith in your family. This is an important topic for all families. Even if you don’t have children, this will be a service that will be helpful to you in growing and sharing your faith during the week.