Discover Theology – August First Wednesday Service
  • 227 S. Main St
    Galax, VA 24333

  • Cornerstone Worship Center

Discover Theology – August First Wednesday Service

This hybrid class will run through the summer and offer a mix of in-person meetings with video content to watch on your own. The word theology comes from the Greek words theos and logos and literally means “words about God.” In other words, talking about God.

Our next Discovery Theology class is Wednesday, August 2, at 7:00 pm in the main worship center of the church. Be sure to watch videos 6-10 (Course review 1-5 video is optional) prior to class and bring your questions to class for a great time of discussion!

But when most people hear the term “theology” they think of it as something set aside for pastors who are attending seminary. But at its heart, theology has to do with the answers Christians give to questions people have about God and all things related to God. It’s attempting to speak Christianly about the great issues of life; it’s about having a biblical worldview; it’s about forming a Christian mind.

The theology videos are taught by Pastor and former seminary president James Emery White from Mecklenburg Community Church in Charlotte. He takes his seminary-level course on systematic theology and breaks it down in a way that anyone can understand. In his words, “Let’s pretend it’s just you and me, sitting down together talking about theology.” We will meet in-person to discuss the videos and answer questions each month.

Our classes will be held during our First Wednesday Services on June 7th, July 5th, August 2nd, and September 6th