It’s that wonderful time of year to begin our annual Angel Tree Program. Angel Tree, a program of Prison Fellowship, works by connecting parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas presents. We have 35 Angel Tree recipients which means over 100 Angel Tree gifts for adoption this year. Angels will be available for adoption beginning this Sunday, November 18th and will be due back to the church no later than Sunday, December 2nd. The Angel Tree Party will be held Saturday, December 15th at First Baptist Church (time TBA). We will need various volunteers throughout this process to provide food and/or drinks for the party, to help the day of the party, and deliver gifts to families that may be unable to attend the party. We also ask for prayers for the children, their families, and all of the volunteers. Please contact Stacey Morgan at 233-7410 or 236-6334 if you would like to volunteer.
Mission Opportunities