We are in a sermon series based on the book Resolving Everyday Conflict. Through this series we will be encouraged and equipped to glorify God, admit mistakes, bring attention to the harm done by others, and seek reconciliation. Peace is ultimately a gift from God and a fruit of the Spirit, but there’s still much we can do to welcome and cultivate it in our daily lives and relationships. Today we focus on how the Bible teaches us to work through conflict by gently engaging others.
Sermon Notes:
Confronting conflict with grace can lead to restoration and reconciliation
The Biblical Way To Handle Conflict is Go and Talk to the Other Person
Don’t be afraid to get help if it doesn’t go well
Recognize your limits and understand that you can do everything right and still not resolve the conflict
Scripture Today:
Galatians 6:1-5
Matthew 7:1
1 Corinthians 5:12
Matthew 18:15-17
Luke 17:3
Matthew 5:23-24
James 5:20
Romans 12:17-21
2 Timothy 2:23-26