Do you ever think about the miracles of Jesus? John’s Gospel spotlights seven miracles, unveiling seven dimensions of Jesus’ miraculous power. Mark Batterson has written a book called Grave Robber, and in it, he highlights these seven miracles found in the Gospel of John. Over the next several weeks, we will be going through each miracle and learning how each impacts our life today. We will be using Batterson’s book as a reference through the series. Just remember, missing the miraculous in Jesus’ life will cause us to miss the miracles God wants to perform in ours! Invite someone and join us at Cornerstone!
Instead of our normal LifeGroup Discussion Guide, we encourage you to follow along with the video Bible Study by Mark Batterson. You can find it on Rightnow Media. Click Here if you attend Cornerstone and would like to signup for an account. You can also purchase a participant’s guide in Paperback or for Kindle if you are interested.