Dollars and Sense – Week 2 – Making a Living

Dollars and Sense – Week 2 – Making a Living

It seems like so many people struggle to live within our means. Everyone knows that you cannot spend more than you earn, but many people try! For the vast majority of people, the real problem most likely can be stated this way: “I spend all that I have, no matter how much income I earn!” At the root of our problem is a lack of contententment. You and I struggle with contentment primarily because we struggle and we fail to trust God. That’s why discontentment surfaces in our lives in all the ways that it does. Deep down, we struggle badly with trusting God and believing that God is what is best for us and always does what is best for us. Today, we look at the importance of honoring God with our finances.
Sermon Notes are available at bible.com/events/132492