September Membership Class and Discover Lunch

September Membership Class and Discover Lunch

On Sunday, September 25th, we will be having our combined discover lunch and membership class . We will meet downstairs in the community room after the second service. We will have lunch together and then split up into two groups. You can read more about the classes below. Please preregister to let us know if you can attend.

Discover Cornerstone Lunch

Are you new at Cornerstone? Do you want to learn more about our church? If so, then we invite you to attend our next Discover Cornerstone Lunch. We will meet in the community room downstairs after our second service.

We will share about the vision and mission of Cornerstone, and we will share opportunities for getting involved and connected at Cornerstone. It’s also your chance to ask questions and meet our leadership team. We will have pizza and drinks, and childcare will be provided if needed.

Click Here to Preregister for the Discover Lunch

Membership Class

Our membership class is for those who desire to become a member of Cornerstone. We believe we can accomplish more when we partner together, so this isn’t something we take lightly. Becoming a member at Cornerstone means that you are becoming a part of our spiritual family and joining us on the most important and exciting journey you will ever take.

You can read more about our membership process on our website. The class will let you know more about our vision as a church, and it will also help get you connected to our leadership. Each member family is adopted by one of our elders for care, support, and prayer.

Click Here to Preregister for the Membership Class