Journey to the Cross: Week 2 Devotion

Journey to the Cross: Week 2 Devotion

Week 2 Devotion by Jennifer Morris

On a recent trip to Yellowstone National Park, we made a stop at the “Grand Canyon of Yellowstone”. It was a deep gorge with waterfalls all around and people flocked by the car-loads to stop and take in its breathtaking rock formations and rushing water. It seemed like you could see for miles. Far in the distance in a rocky spot, we could see a tiny dot of an animal. Someone near us had binoculars and informed us that it was an Elk. The Elk was seemingly stuck out on a rocky ledge all alone, eating what little patches of green she could find. My first instinct was to get someone to save the poor animal. She looked lonely and trapped. Her home was one of the most beautiful places on the planet, yet she was restricted to this little spot on the side of the canyon. A nearby ranger told us that the lone Elk was always there and that was where she made her home. I don’t know much about Elk psychology but there had to be a better place for her. Maybe she was an introverted Elk that chose to live her life alone. Maybe she really was stuck and couldn’t find her way out of the steep gorge. Whatever the case the big animal had chosen to live in this tiny patch when she had over 3,000 square miles of National Park surrounding her. Before we left I wanted to go get the Elk, load her up in my rental car and drive her around to see all that she was missing. Maybe she didn’t even know what was on the other side of that gorge.

Heaven is like that. It’s waiting on the other side. Most of the time we are unaware and uninterested. It’s easy to get focused on what is right in front of us at the moment and forget what God has promised. For believers, we have the promise of Heaven. While we are like the Elk stuck on the side of the rocks, God is preparing a place for us for eternity. Paul gives us a glimpse at how we balance this time on Earth as we look toward Heaven. He gives us the mindset of a citizen of Heaven that is passing through this life for the good of those around us.

“For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.  Now if I live on in the flesh, this means fruitful work for me; and I don’t know which I should choose. I am torn between the two. I long to depart and be with Christ – which is far better – but to remain in the flesh is more necessary for your sake. Since I am persuaded of this, I know that I will remain and continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith…Just one thing: As a citizen of heaven, live your life worthy of the Gospel of Christ.”

Philippians 1:21-23, 25

Week 2 Fast: TV & Movies

As you continue in this season of Lent remember that a season of denying ourselves teaches us patience and delays our self-gratification. It takes the focus off our us and puts it on God and others. As you fast from TV and movies this week take this time to remember Heaven is waiting for us and we have work to do. Fill that empty time with things that have an eternal effect. Make a batch of cookies with your family and take them to a neighbor that is having a hard time. Dive into a meaningful conversation with an important person in your life. Spend time in the Bible reading about eternity and our home in Heaven. Play a game with your kids, or the neighbor’s kids. Volunteer at a local agency that needs some extra hands. Share your hope in Jesus with someone that God places in your path. Get out of your comfort zone and do what Paul says in Philippians 1:25 – live your life worthy of the Gospel of Christ. Our time here on Earth is sweet and God gives us little glimpses of Heaven each day. Take note of them and make the most of your time here as your look forward to all God has prepared for us in our eternal home.