Zumba Anyone?

Zumba Anyone?

Cornerstone now has a FREE Zumba LifeGroup! Join Cornerstone Member and certified Zumba instructor, Christy Alley, for 30 minutes Wednesday mornings at Ultimate Fitness in Galax.

Day: Wednesday;  Time of day: 6:30 am
Start Date:10/03/2018

Location: Ultimate Fitness  Topic:Zumba
Description: Join us for 30 minutes of Zumba to start the day off fun and positively. The class will frequently feature Christian Warm-up and Cool-down. There is no charge for Zumba for the Wednesday morning class though the end of the 2018.

Childcare NOTE: No childcare, but there’s an area to the side of room where kids can play quietly. Children must stay in the side area at all times for safety.

Important Note: Because of the early time of this class, park near the dumpster at the rear of the building and enter through the metal door that’s located there. If the door is locked, please knock. To get all the info or to sign up, go to https://mycornerstone.org/lifegroups/