Moving Forward in Faith – We Are Purchasing Our Downtown Facility

Moving Forward in Faith – We Are Purchasing Our Downtown Facility


Last December, after a multi-year process of study and prayer, the elders of Cornerstone were excited to announce that we were proceeding with the purchase of our downtown facility. After many months of planning, we finally have approval for the loan to move forward with the purchase. This is an exciting time for Cornerstone.

Last year, we shared several reasons we felt led to purchase the facility.

  • We can purchase our facility at 1/3 to 1/2 of the cost of building a new facility
  • Our building is being used every day of the week by multiple church and community groups
  • We are in the heart of our community which enables us to serve and reach the lost, hurting, and broken. We are centrally located in a high visibility spot, with ample parking.
  • By purchasing we can reduce our monthly payment so that we can have more money for ministry. We will also be working towards paying off the building completely to free up even more money for ministry and expansion.

Since our beginning, 164 people have been baptized at Cornerstone! Lives are being changed by the power of the Gospel and we have seen God do great things through the faithful ministry of our Cornerstone family. We are also seeing attendance grow with the attendance at our youth and children’s ministry at the highest level in our history. We are truly blessed and we can celebrate what God is doing.

We are now asking for your help as we close on the bank loan. We announced last week that we needed an additional $25,000 in order to pay the down payment and pay closing costs. We have already raised over $10,000 which leaves only $15,000.

We will need to close on the loan in about four weeks. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us and contributing to our facility fund? Together, we can continue reaching our community for Christ. We ask that you make your special offerings to the facility fund by October 16th.  You can give by designating your gift for the facility fund by placing your offering in our special facility fund envelopes at church, or you can designate your gift online using our new online giving system that accepts both debit, credit, or electronic bank transfers.

Thanks for partnering with us. God is doing amazing things through the faithfulness of our Cornerstone family!