Walk to Jerusalem – Week 5

Walk to Jerusalem – Week 5

As you enter week 5 set a goal. Your physical goal this week may be to walk 2 miles- or 5 miles- or 50 miles. Having a goal will help you to press on. Your spiritual goal may be to read the Word of God daily, pray daily or memorize a Bible verse. The deeper spiritual goal may be to have a deeper personal relationship with Jesus, to confront each other in a kinder more loving manner or to forgive someone.  The ultimate spiritual goal is to become more Christ – like in our everyday encounters with people and society.
Week 5 Questions to ponder:
Do I have a physical and spiritual goal for this week?
Do I have physical and spiritual goals for my life?
What is one thing I can do to help achieve my physical goal?
What is one thing I can do to help achieve my spiritual goal?